Private Utility Locating Service

Ground Penetrating Radar

Find & Identify Unknown Utilities

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Utility Locating Service

Ground Penetrating Radar

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private utility locating

Private Utility Locating Services

Ground Penetrating Radar

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On The Mark Locators

We specialize in private utility locating, ground penetrating radar (GPR), sub-surface utility engineering (SUE) services, robotic pipe inspections, and cross-bore mitigation. Our team is comprised of industry veterans with decades of underground utility experience.

Concrete Scanning

On The Mark Locators understand the importance of finding the Rebar, Electrical and Communications lines that could be in your way before coring or saw cutting through concrete slab walls, columns or floors.

Utility Mapping

Avoid damages with reliable GPS information regarding location and description of underground utility lines that are available. By pre planning to map all facilities prior to construction, you also will reduce hidden costs and downtime.

Vacuum Excavation

Vacuum Excavation is the safest way to dig. If you need Test Holes, Test Pits, Trenching, Slot Trenching or just forensics performed on existing utilities. On The Mark Locators can provide a S.U.E. Level A report providing you with exact depth...

Trusted Utility Locating Service

Our team and utility locating experts provide a full suite of state-of-the-art utility locating experience, designed to help your team avoid accidental underground strikes that can result in costly repairs, severe injury and lost time.
utility mapping

Trusted Utility Locating Service

Our team and utility locating experts provide a full suite of state-of-the-art utility locating experience, designed to help your team avoid accidental underground strikes that can result in costly repairs, severe injury and lost time.
underground utility locator

Industry Partnership

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